Minggu, 18 September 2022

Scrip hack higgs domino island

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Senin, 12 September 2022

What are Hackers? tutorial

There are many definitions of hacker described on the internet,

 on wikipedia explains that a hacker is a computer expert who uses his technical skills to solve problems,

 or it could be a term for those who are very skilled in the field of computer programming.

 While in some circles a hacker is also defined as someone who can enter a system without permission and do damage.

 Then what is the right definition for a hacker?

 The origin of the term hacker

 In the past, when computers were first developed (before 1990), there was a community that maintained a "culture" and shared information in order to build a better system.

 This community contains experts in the fields of programming, networking, hardware who exchange information and work together to build the future.

 What you are enjoying right now is a real “hacker” masterpiece.

 Linux and the internet are masterpieces of the true hackers of the past who sustain human development.

 This is what is called a true hacker (white hat hacker)

 Understanding Hackers Now

 Then there are groups/individuals who name and shout loudly that they are “hackers”, even though they are not hackers.

 These people are mostly criminals who enter/break into the system without permission and do damage.

 Real hackers have nothing to do with them, because in the view of a true hacker they are just lazy, less intelligent and irresponsible people.

 Their job is to break into and destroy and then claim to be a hacker, even though they are a "cracker" not a hacker.
The problem is when the media attaches the label "hacker" to criminals who are actually crackers.

 This makes people wrong in interpreting "hacker".

 If you've read this, you now know what a real hacker is, right?

 Still excited to be a hacker?
Hacker Types & Levels

 Hackers are usually programmers with high skills and have knowledge of computer security and are able to find vulnerabilities and create exploits to break into computer systems or networks and are able to fix / provide solutions to prevent it.

 But in fact not all hackers are like that,

 there are some people who call themselves hackers, even though they are not...

 Ethical Hacker (White hat)

 is a hacker who is given permission to enter the system and is asked to check, identify and fix system or network weaknesses by doing penetration testing.

 ethical hackers usually work as security systems analysts and consultants.

 A system needs to be tested (pentesting) to measure the extent of the defense of a system.

 To test and strengthen system defenses, a security system expert (ethical hacker) is needed.

 Its job is to do pentesting, find security holes and then patch and strengthen it so that other hackers can't get in.

 gray hat

 is a hacker who takes the initiative to enter a computer system or network without permission with the aim of seeing and looking for system or network weaknesses and reporting them to the system owner for repair.

 Cracker (Black hat)

 is a cracker who has his own initiative to enter into a computer system or network without permission. His goal is usually to damage or steal important data to be used for his own benefit.

 Script kiddies

 Is someone without skills who managed to enter a computer system or network without permission by using hacking tools made by others published on the internet.


 Is a cracker who uses his hacking skills to spread social, religious, political messages, etc. by hijacking websites and leaving messages on the home page by defacement.


 is a cracker who searches for and exploits weaknesses in the telephone system or network

 Curiosity and Passion (Hobby)

 The most important main capital, the essence of the core of a professional hacker is to make computer learning a hobby.

 The thirst for knowledge and the passion to continue to explore, explore, learn what he likes (in this case the computer world) so that it will form a person who is an expert in the field of computers.

 Doing a job that you like will not make you depressed or feel like you are working, to become a hacker who is actually a computer expert, you must have a passion for the computer world.

 From now on if you want to learn to be a professional hacker, then start exploring by reading forums or articles on the internet that discuss computer science.

 All manuals, guides and documentation are printed in written form, not video or audio.

 So you have to read to absorb the knowledge.


 When you learn hacking and look for it on the internet, most articles are written in English, this is because English is used as the standard language for international communication.

 In addition, the language used to create manuals and documentation is usually English.

 The use of English is to facilitate communication between developers and users in the world who have different languages.

 So start enriching your English vocabulary little by little by reading English articles and translating words while remembering them.

 Do it continuously for a long time you will memorize many English words without you realizing it if you practice it every day.

 Think Out Side of The BoX (CREATIVE)

 A hacker is required to be creative in thinking by seeing the world from the side and in a different way from

Sabtu, 10 September 2022

Learning Termux For Beginners | From the Basics

Hearing that there are so many things that applications made by Fredrik Fornwall can do, of course, we want to learn more about Termux.  Moreover, it is reported that this emulator can be used to hack, create bots and nuyul.  This is what makes us as newbies curious and want to be able to master this 5 million+ downloaded application.

 Let's learn together from the basics and get to know the terms that are often used and know how to use them.

 Starting from:

 What is Termux?
Termux is an android terminal emulator which is also a Linux environment.  Almost the same as cmd on a computer that can only be run by entering certain commands.

 It also contains packages and modules that must be installed in order to run a program/tool.
Just like android, termux can also be used to install applications.  It's just that this application is in the form of a script / tool.

 It can also be said that termux is the android version of linux.

 Then how do you get Termux to be installed on Android?  Here's the guide.

How to Install Termux on Android

 Download and install the application on playstore or fdroid.  (Recommended on Fdroid, use this link to download

Open it and let the repository installation process finish
 ️ At the initial screen write apt update then press enter on the keyboard
 ️Write again apt upgrade then enter
 ️ If there is a notification do you want to continue?  (y/n) press y then enter
 ️ For more details, please watch the following video. link

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link download.  kinemaster download

Selasa, 06 September 2022

How to Install Kali Linux on Termux 2022 (hack)

Many have misunderstood how to install kali linux on termux without root.  Kali linux is supposed to be installed on a non-rooted android, the function of this tool is to get root access without having to root.  Another term is fake root.

There are many ways to install kali linux on android without root via termux.  One of the easiest is to use the help of the Anlinux application, we just need to copy and paste the command in termux.

In addition to installing kali linux on termux, to run the root script we can also install fakeroot or Proot.  Ever heard of termux su, tsu or sudo?  well, kali linux can run it all.

 Kalilinux can also be used to install tools that cannot be run from termux.  So there are many advantages that we can get after installing kali linux in termux. For the guide, you can follow the tutorial below.

How To Install Kali Linux On Termux Via Anlinux

Anlinux is an application that you can download for free on the Playstore.  In it there are commands install kali linux, arch linux, ubuntu and other popular OS.Almost forget!  for those who can't run termux, please learn how to use termux.  This is just a basic guide, so you don't get confused when following this tutorial. What we will do is copy the command from anlinux and run it in the termux application.

1. Install Packages Required for Kali Linux on Termux

-apt update && apt upgrade 

-pkg install root-repo 

-pkg install unstable-repo 

-pkg install x11-repo 

-pkg install curl -pkg install wget 

-pkg install git

 Pay attention when entering the termux command, press enter every time you finish writing 1 command line and there should be no use of uppercase letters.

After everything is entered, then we will take additional commands in the Anlinux application.

2. Copy the Kali Linux Install Command in the Anlinux Application

Open the anlinux application that was downloaded earlier.  If not, please download here.

On the Anlinux home page in step 1 press the choose button.  Then a choice of what OS to install will appear.  Just tick kali linux and hit OK.

Then you just press the copy button.  Automatically the commands listed in the anlinux application have all been copied.

 3. Paste the command from Anlinux in Termux

Reopen the termux application then press and hold on the screen until the “paste/paste” option appears.  Press paste and enter then termux will immediately install kali linux.

The installation process depends on the internet speed used.  If by my side about 10-15 minutes.

The sign that kali linux is already installed is a notification on the termux screen "you can now launch kali with the ./start-kali.sh".

4. Execute File ./Start-Kali.Sh To Enter Kali Linux From Termux

 Enter the command ./start-kali.sh then press enter.  You will automatically enter the Kali Linux OS.

 For information!!

 After entering Kali Linux, you have to reinstall all packages and scripts that were installed in Termux before.

 There is no pkg install command, there is an apt install command.  And the size of the files is bigger.

How to Install Kali Linux Via Github Code

This method is simpler because it does not require other additional applications.  It's just that we need to download the desktop environment (optional).

 The package required is the same as above, so you don't need to enter it again.

 So just enter the following command:

 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EXALAB/AnLinux-Resources/master/Scripts/Installer/Kali/kali.sh && bash kali.sh

After the process is complete, immediately enter the following command again:


 After entering Kali Linux, now all you have to do is download the desktop environment by entering the following command:

 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EXALAB/AnLinux-Resources/master/Scripts/DesktopEnvironment/Apt/Xfce4/de-apt-xfce4.sh && bash de-apt-xfce4.sh


 After successfully installing kali linux on termux, every time you will run / enter kali linux you must use the command ./start-kali.shAnd the sign when you are logged in is the letter $ which changes to root@localhost-#

What You Must Remember

Even though you have successfully installed kali linux, you also cannot directly run the termux root script on termux.

But first enter the Kali Linux OS, then install and run the root script.

Example :

 The wifite script (hack wifi) requires root to run.

So what you have to do is:

Enter the termux application then enter the command ./start-kali.sh

Install the package needed by the wifite script with the apt install prefix

Run wifite with the command that has been listed

Alright, now we have learned how to install kali linux on termux.  So we can run all root scripts without having to root our android.

Please share the tutorial on how to install Kali Linux on Android to your friends who like to play termux or directly to social media.

Venom trik :

Senin, 05 September 2022

Generator slot online tutorial hack

This time Hacker +62 will explain the RnG Machine Online Slot Generator method as a way to hack by circumventing bugs in the fafafa algorithm and other online pragmatic slot gambling.
RnG Slot machine games that are currently available online are one of the most famous online gambling games because of their huge prizes.
Despite the fact that we can play online
 Online slots allow you to create random number apps for easy jackpots.

 Those who often play slot machines should try a random number generator or  RnG.

 Before choosing an online slot game, you should know in advance that the rate of return is determined by a random number generator or RTP.

 Before you spend a big budget on slot games, it's a good idea to know the role of RTP in online slots, you can check on the following link.RnG
What does random number generator (RNG) mean?  It means a random number generator, just as the name suggests.

 It basically generates random numbers throughout the slot machine.

 Hacker 62

 For slot game gambling players, using the random number generator (RNG) method is a very profitable cheating method.

 In addition, you also have to pay attention to the RTP of the slot machine based on the type of game that is being played a lot.

 Or you can hack the RTP slot to make it even easier.

This random number generator (RNG) is suitable for us to use for all games and slot machine service provider sites.


 With the RNG apk, the results of each round are based on the highest ratio so that players can easily get the jackpot.

For the full explanation, watch the video tutorial on the YouTube channel slot random rng

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buruan sebelum di takedown,

Scrip hack higgs domino island

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